Sweet Summertime! 

Thank goodness its summer! The weather has been really nice and warm, great for all the retraining going on here! :) Chick is back in training for some dressage shows (and maybe a few hunter shows just for fun) this fall.  Lego is in training for low level eventing-I was planning on starting campaigning him in Spring 2012, but the way things have been going, we may get to a few this fall! Cross your fingers! :) Things with him are going really well, he's a great horse! 
The big news on the farm is the acquisition of additional acreage! Nighthawk is expanding by about 20 acres! The property directly behind our big pond (we have three, so we gave them simple names) was foreclosed on so it just made good sense! We plan to use that field for hay. Kathryn has been voting to put in a cross country course (pretty please!?) as well.  Hope everyone is staying cool!

Happy Spring! 

Wow its been a while since I last updated the website! Things have been great on the farm, we've added some more chickens and bees.  
Kathryn has been really busy working her full time job, and has also started a photography business.  Out of a twist of fate, she caught on with Brant Gamma Photography and has been shooting a lot of Horse Trials and 3-day Events in Virginia surrounding states.  She was lucky enough to have some of her work published in The Chronicle of the Horse.  It has been a wonderful experience and we are all so thankful for the new endeavor! Here are a few recent photos of Nighthawk Farm happenings. Enjoy and Happy Spring!

Fall on the Farm!

Its definitely fall here and it sure came quick!  We are enjoying the beautiful leaves and overall nice weather.  Its good to get the rain too, even when it makes for a grey day.  We have fertilized our hay pastures so they will be wonderful in the spring time! The horses have all been fantastic, three of them got new blankets for the winter and they are all snuggled in with their furry coats.  Lego has been in basic training and is doing great.  He has a new nickname, however, of "tufts" due to some rather long winter hairs coming out of his ears, they are really cute though! He looks amazing and is adjusting so well.  He really seems to like it here and is so personable.  Enjoy the gorgeous weather and Happy Fall everyone!

Home Sweet Home

Lego, Chick, Dixie, and Connor in the pasture
We had a safe trip down and back to Raleigh to get "Lego" and bring him home.   He has been introduced to our other three and they are transitioning pretty well!  No injuries or anything to report and I Lego seems to just love the farm.  Our grass is a lot better than the grass at the farm in Raleigh so he is enjoying that! We are so happy to have him home and are ready to start training! 

Reel Legend!

Reel Legend enjoys the fan in his stall after getting a bath
Here's a recent photo (June 26th) of Kathryn and Reel Legend in Raleigh while drying off after a bath.  We have not yet moved him to our Virginia farm but hope to soon.  While we have been working extensively with lunging and ground work, we have not yet been able to ride him as Kathryn tore her rotator cuff in February and is awaiting surgery.  He has been fantastic to work with.  He is truly an example of the difference between racehorses who have been well cared for and those that have not.  He was blessed to come from a farm that not only took exceptional care of their horses and also took the time to train them well. 

Kathryn has been doing a lot of work on the lunge line.  Working largely at the trot, its been great to see Reel Legend develop more balance and a smooth even pace.  We have done work at the canter as well and he has been very good, nice and balanced.  He is very eager to please, attempting to listen to voice commands and paying attention.  We will be moving him to Virginia in the next month and hope to hop on him and get some riding done soon after! 


Farm Fresh Eggs!

We're becoming a "real farm" more and more every day!  Vickie decided it would be a good idea to get some chickens on the farm to have fresh eggs.  Six hens were chosen and brought to the farm as juveniles.  They have grown into adults and are having a great time on the farm.  Michael built them a chicken house and fenced-in pen near the barn that is just lovely.  The horses have very much enjoyed their new friends.  Connor especially likes to see what they are doing over the fence.

The Bees!

Against the tree line, two small white boxes house the bees
Being ever conscious of eco-friendly farm management, Michael brainstormed the idea to get bees.  These honey bees are housed in the small white boxes at the bottom of the pasture seen in the photo.  While your average bee may be viewed as a pest, these bees are very calm and do not bother any of our creatures or ourselves.  They are very busy at collecting pollen and making honey.  In response to a declining population of bees in the wild, Michael felt as though they would be benefical both to us as well as the community.  Even small differences can help!